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Vraag 1
Antwoord 1. McFly. What’s that thing he’s on? Yeah, I’m- mayor. Now that’s a good idea. I could run for mayor. Bet your ass it works. Hello.
I have to tell you about the future. Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody. Cause, George, she wants to go to the dance with you, she just doesn’t know it yet. That’s why we got to show her that you, George McFly, are a fighter. You’re somebody who’s gonna stand up for yourself, someone who’s gonna protect her. Look me up when you get there, guess I’ll be about 47.
Vraag 2
Antwoord 2. McFly. What’s that thing he’s on? Yeah, I’m- mayor. Now that’s a good idea. I could run for mayor. Bet your ass it works. Hello.
Vraag 3
Antwoord 3. McFly. What’s that thing he’s on? Yeah, I’m- mayor. Now that’s a good idea. I could run for mayor. Bet your ass it works. Hello.
I have to tell you about the future. Then how am I supposed to ever meet anybody. Cause, George, she wants to go to the dance with you, she just doesn’t know it yet. That’s why we got to show her that you, George McFly, are a fighter. You’re somebody who’s gonna stand up for yourself, someone who’s gonna protect her. Look me up when you get there, guess I’ll be about 47.